Nic Case's 127.2 mph electrified nitro Shumacher Fusion.
This is what Nic has to say about the event:
Good time
Great people
I had a blast! Conditions were diffidently challenging this year. The combination of wind, skechy traction & concrete walls made this event, --- live up to its own name. George Gonzalez was very brave, handling the official Radar duties. Somehow George was able to dodge all the RC bullets thrown at him....LOL (me included) .
AJ, (Tony Lovering)---AKA Ziggy, is a great guy. He wants to get a WFRCCC going in the UK next year --- & hold it on the same day as the one in the United States. (Brilliant!)
The Fastest of my runs (127.2mph) was done with a Schumacher Fusion converted to electric power.

Charlie Suangka's Xray: Novak HV system, and the right gearing. The car was consistent and quick, with a best run of 118.7mph

After posting an 88mph run, Tony hopped off the retaing wall with transmitter in hand. This popped the battery cover off, spilling the cells in the process, leading to a runaway triple-engine car. It snuck under the rental car used to protect the timing tent, wiping out a couple of chairs in the process. It took three guys to shut it down--one per engine.
This is what Tony said about his experience at the competition:
It was all worth it!!
All the racers met at a local diner and had breakfast before heading to the track. The track was one lane of the california Speedway Drag Strip and had concrete wall all the way around. The track was slick and had zero grip! It was like running foams on wet tarmac.
I started my car and tried to tune it for the 30% Odonnel fuel and the 95 deg F temps. I had to lean the engines nearly 1 1/2 turns to get them to keep running.
I did a quick pass without the shell and a very short run up to the speed trap just to see if the engines would not flame out but all but one stopped before crossing the line at 48.2 mph.
It was hard to get track time as the electric cars were ready to go at a few seconds notice where i had to start all the engines and tune them up before running then back to the starter box after one had died.
Next run I tried to launch the car and keep the engines running. I did the same short run up and no shell. This time one engine stopped before the launch and the car did 68.7 mph croosing the line with no engines running.
I leaned the engines a full 3/4 turns and tried again. I extended the run up to around 200m and launched very steady. I managed full throttle at about 100m to go to the trap and got 88 mph. All 3 engines were still running so I managed to get the car back for another run. Right this is it!! A quick refuel and its a full run up at full throttle.
I jumped off the wall to fill the car and my knee caught the battery lead to the transmitter. The car took off and smashed into the wall loosing the front end. The car then took off up the drag strip crashing into the timekeepers chair and that was it.
Lessons learned.
The track conditions wer not good and I needed to have the option of running a smaller gear. I tried to go to fast and needed to get post a decent speed around 100 - 120 before gearing up.
The engines need to be changed for something with a lot more bottom end punch. Next plan is to:
Change the rear pulleys from 16/18 to 15/19.
Change the side pulleys from 19/14 to 18/15 to maintain 3% overdrive
Change the gearing to 15/49 45/19
Make and install 3 x alluminium clutch shoes
Install Novarossi 3 x 35 plus 21 engines. or maybe change out the R03 and the Sirio to RB Xenon Rs
Install a steering gyro
I also need a new shell as the blue one is toast!
I have pics and vids i'll post later

Ken Davis' built this 1/12-bodied machine using an Associated RC18 as a base. It was the fastest mini at 59.2mph. Not fast enough to take Tony Phalen's '06 record, but Ken's car sure got airborne just like Tony's!

Brian Pohlman and his dad, John, wee back with two custom cars this year. Dad's electric car was fast, but he put it into the wall before it's true potential could be realized (best run, 65.1mph). Brian's gasser did 64.2, with a lot left on tap.
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