Part 1 (worlds longest rc jump attempt)
Part 2 (worlds fastest rc car attempt)
Part 3 (worlds fastest rc car attempt 2)
Keeping track of all the fastest RC cars in the world
so here is my schumacher 3 speed i finished. i put the gps on it and it did 74mph. not bad. not the 100mph i was hoping for but just a gearing issue. but this is plenty fast and drivable. but it has no grip. it slides all over and went thru a pair of tires after 2 batteries. i ordered some foams. we'll see how they do. now i am finishing the RC8T and then its on to my 1/5 scale on road. been slowly starting on that one.
the schumacher is kinda ugly right now. just wanted to get it done to see how it ran. now i am going to clean it up with tons of carbon fiber, titanium, and aluminum. i will post more pics later.
About 3/4 of the way through building Problem Child it became obvious that it wasn't the most efficient way to build a speed car. It quickly became very large, very heavy and despite my attempts at simplicity, very complicated.
I hadn't even finished PC before PCII was coagulating in my mind. It seems that a twin engine car would accelerate more quickly, would be lighter, smaller and would likely be faster at top end.
I went through a half dozen designs, each having some design flaw that I just didn't like. I wanted to keep 4wd since it seems for more stable than rwd and puts the power down better than fwd.
Then. a couple days ago, after completing my mail-order correspondence classes and graduating Magna cum 'Loudy' from the Nick Mazlowski School of Backwards R/C Cars, the solution came to me....spin PC around and run it in reverse! Seriously! That Nick's a genious!
Spinning the engines around allows the exhaust to exit towards the rear of the car, narrowing the body and allowing it to taper at the rear. Using the two rear engines (now front) will give stability at speed and allow the use of Mac's pipes inside the body.
The steering will be at the front (sorry Nick, I'm not that crazy!) and the rear diff will be mounted ala Associated 10L. A second drive shaft will allow the rear diff to go up and down.
The cool thing is, I'll be able to use almost all of the drive train technology I developed with PC along with many pick up points.
Well, I have no CAD skills (skipped that class at the Nick Mazlowski School of Backwards R/C Cars) but I can solder a wicked brazing rod or two and that's what I've done to get an idea of how things will come together....
Here is PC and PCII. Note the noses and tails are reversed
After building and running a number of IC cars at speed I have deceided to deviate slightly and try to build a non wheel driven car. I was lucky enough to be contacted by Ben Jarvis, one of the few guys in the UK that understands hybrid rocket technology and has the capacity and know how to put together a power system for the car. With his know how of hybrid rocket systems and my understanding of RC technology with regards to speed cars our team has a good chance of building a vehicle capable of 200mph. This car will be called "Black Knight"
It was a great day, unfortunatley Nic couldn't run as the ESC packed in and his spares hadn't arrived in time Sad
the long jump was 148ft it landed great but bounce and rolled once landing back on its wheels but that didn't count Huh?
the presenter Jason drove my twin and managed 85mph wich was enough for the GWR to recognise it as a new record. to be fair to jason he did pretty well for a novice and we got what we wanted another land speed record recognised by guiness.
It was an interesting day with a few problems but a great atmosphere, were going back friday to try set a long jump record but as the rules are so strict its not going to be easy.
the hybrid rocket car was spectacular to watch especially in the dark.
thats about it guys
Ziggy and myself have been in talks with the Gadget show to get an event broadcast here in the UK, filming will done next week and we have a special guest who we all know, coming over from the US with a certain very very very fast car (guess who Grin). The event will feature 2 main r/c catagories speed and jumping. We will have the officials from Guiness Book of Records there to monitor and record any new records that we hope to set on the day. The show will be broadcast late December or early january 2009.
Included in the speed challenge there will be electric, rocket and nitro cars, the jumping will be to set the worlds longest r/c jump.
This is hopefully going to get the word out very quickly about speed racing and links from their website to our's will be provided (and hopefully broadcast on TV).
This really could be the boost we need at the moment to help get the word out about ROSSA and speed racing.
Shawn Palmer @ Schumacher ----- Supported me from he beginning!
Nick Maslowski for loaning me key equipment
Steve Rodgers @ Flight Power for great batteries & the help in he pits & retrieving the car
The People at Castle ------ great electronic equipment
Josh Tyler & Lou ----- for all the help during testing !
Steve Neu ------ building a great motor
All the people at RC4WD ----- for machining some great wheels !
Greg H & Freeman T --- for the support
Rob Donelson --- Brainstormer
Matt Shumaker --- Brainstormer
John Trino Brainstormer
Shawn Palmer--- Brainstormer
Frank Amestoy--- Brainstormer
Josh Reese— Brainstormer
Mike Ogle— Brainstormer
Brad Williams— Brainstormer
Bill Chaterlea --- Brainstormer
Robert Crysel Brainstormer-- & machining help
Ray Lathrop---- Brainstormer
Tony Lovering--- Brainstormer
Billy Weeks & Steve Earwood --- For having the event at such a great facility!
What a Rush!
Nic Case